Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Excellent sex advice from Reddit~part 3


Dont have sex with someone you cant laugh with while doing it

My parents never wanted to talk about sex but I remember they always told me to do it with someone I love because you’ll notice the difference between someone who loves you and someone who doesn’t. There is a big difference not because they don’t wanna do aftercare or whatever it’s because when it’s with someone you love it feels more special and more emotional but when it’s with someone who just wants you for your body it feels like a void to me. There’s no emotion and there’s nothing special. Kinda feels like you’re doing a business deal like “Ok I’ll give you the attention so give me your body.”

"do an sti test before you have sex please"

Most straightforward advice ever, and tbh it is important.


It wasn't my parents but the best advice I've received is to always be conscious of the other person. Just because they're saying or doing something doesn't mean that you should just agree.

I was about 16 and working, providing the lighting and sound equipment for a friends party. One of the girls from my class was very drunk and wanted to fool around and blow me. Now I don't drink and I know that if she wasn't drinking we wouldn't be talking about blowjobs or me touching her boobs. I was a virgin at the time and while I could have easily agreed to do that with her it wasn't the right thing to do. I knew she would regret it and it would be awkward in the weeks after so I talked her out of it. Years later she thanked me for that.

Now days we are more aware of proactive consent and when you can/can't give consent but back then it wasn't as common to talk about. Generally speaking as long as you were both actively participating and not saying no or stop that was about all we were thinking about.

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