Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Excellent sex advice from Reddit


My mom was all about healthy sex talks—the best advice she ever gave me that didn’t have to do with general respect & consent was that both people should be giving it 110%. A happy sex life makes for a happy life together.

I didn’t get it at the time but as I’ve aged I’ve come to realize it’s the best rule to follow. The more aroused your partner is, the more aroused you’ll be, and the more aroused you are, the more aroused your partner will be. It’s like an infinity loop of pleasure with endless possibilities as long as both people are putting the same level of presence & passionate into it.

The moment either person gets tired, distracted, loses interest, gets lost in their head, or any other thing that causes someone to not be fully ‘there’ in the moment, it makes it much harder if not impossible to come together to create a great experience.


That the sex will be better the more you love the person. Banging away at a stranger will never hold a candle to making love to someone you deeply trust and care about. 48 years later and the best sex I ever had was with someone who at the time I loved deeply and they deeply loved me. Sure, other people were more skilled at some things, and may have had more attractive attributes, but overall those things couldn't stack up against deep love and trust.


My mom always told me that there’s no need to wait until marriage to have sex but emphasized that I should do it with someone I know well, love and trust completely. Unfortunately I lost my virginity in a stupid way and wish to god I had just held on a little longer so my first time would’ve been with my husband. Not because I wanted to wait until marriage or anything, but I wish I could’ve lost my virginity to someone that I actually loved & trusted. So I will definitely give the same advice to my kids and share my regrets. No need to wait until marriage but it is worth waiting until you find someone you genuinely have a trusting bond with.


“Don’t do adult things if you don’t have adult money.” Aka don’t have sex if you can’t afford to fix the consequences.

I 100% agree. As a teen i’ve seen girls my age get pregnant at a young age and raise a baby in poverty because they didn’t have the money to get help. I’ve chosen to stay a virgin until i’m making a good income to support myself and not have to rely on my parents for my stupid decisions.


If you can't see the other person as a spouse or good parent DON'T DO IT.

I learned the hard way.


You have to be friends before you can be lovers.


My mom told me this among other wisdoms: "if someone doesn't have books in their house, don't have sex with them."

Still live by this rule


Never have sex with someone you wouldn’t want to spend the rest of your life with.


My mom told me to never trust a man that will insist on getting head, but will refuse or complain about returning the favor. (Yes. They exist.)

Wise woman. I've dumped or stopped seeing a couple boys in the past for this exact reason, and they all turned out to be weird, stalkers, or just straight up assholes lol thanks ma 😂


From my dad: Men will tell you anything you want to hear to get your goods. Be careful who you give yourself to, because you deserve to be loved, not fucked and used.


If you and that person cannot have an adult conversation about sex and boundaries then you shouldn't have sex with them.


My mom told me at 14 “look at her toe and fingernails if they are clean it’s probably ok but if you can’t see her toes look in her ears and she is clean there she probably takes care of herself and isn’t stinky down there.”

As bad as our relationship was it’s always been solid advice lol.


At 18 from my mom: “If you don’t enjoy sex, you’re with the wrong person”. Since I’m not asexual, I have found it to be helpful


Never go ass to mouth


My mom : "Don't ever have sex (without protection) unless you're ready to be a mom. I waited to have you until I was 30 because I didn't want to resent you for taking away my youth. You will be the best mom you can only when you're ready for that commitment."

Wiser words have rarely been spoken to me, and as a 23 year old woman I can say that I'll tell my young cousins, and my children that same thing.


I am a girl and my dad told me once, when I was in my twenties: "If your bedtime isn't an awesome experience at least most of the time, run." I am forever grateful for that one.


Back in 2003 When I was 15, my aunt who was very forward about talking about sex with her kids asked me if I thought oral sex counted as sex. I was pretty mortified and didn’t know how to answer. She then said it most certainly is and if a girl says no, it means no and that’s the end of it. She then pressed that oral sex isn’t any less serious than sex when it comes to consent. Despite the crippling embarrassment of talking about that with my family, it got through to me and gave me an appreciation for needing consent well before it was ever in the forefront of popular culture. 20 years later I still remember that conversation pretty vividly.


If you decide to fuck around and you do get a girl pregnant, You will be caring for her and the child for the rest of your life. If you don’t, that will be YOUR legacy. Don’t be an asshole and be a good human.


If you can’t afford supporting a child you better keep your pants zipped.


When i was like 15 or 16, my mom jokingly asked if she needed to buy condoms for me, and then backtracked and said, “No, if you can’t even have the courage to buy condoms yourself then you shouldn’t be having sex.”

That really stuck with me because I was definitely too embarrassed to buy condoms at that time and realized that I likely wasn’t mature enough for sex either.


Don’t sleep with anyone that has more problems than you do.


My mum told me after having sex always pee so you can flush everything out and avoid a uti


Not my parents but an older wiser man once told me something along the lines of always eating her first and often.

In my experience:

  1. Guys aren't eating enough at all

  2. Don't do this if you're only looking for a one night stand. Those always turned into repeat encounters and more often than not relationships.

  3. Giving her an orgasm first results in a lot more fun time USUALLY.  

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