Thursday, December 29, 2022


 aita_writing posted this on Reddit:

If your car gets stuck in snow, take out the floor mats and stick them under your tires as best you can, in the direction you are wanting to go (so the tires can drive on them). This helps give you some traction. You can reuse this technique as far as needed, just parking, getting out, and moving the floor mats back to right in front/behind your tires.

It irks me when I watch TV shows where the characters get stuck and can't get out of the snow, when they clearly have floor mats in their car. It has come to my attention over the past couple years that a lot of people don't know this, so now I try and bring it up every time it remotely comes up in a convo.

Also, keep emergency supplies in your vehicle. Jumper cables, a flashlight and batteries (keep them stored separately because corrosion), food/water, gloves, winter boots if applicable where you are, etc. Also, look up the underwater car episode of Mythbusters, just good to know 

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