Friday, December 19, 2014

Alcoba Azul-Lila Downs

Peering into the mind of the great John Waters

“If you go home with somebody, and they don't have books, don't fuck 'em!” 
― John Waters

“Collect books, even if you don't plan on reading them right away. Nothing is more important than an unread library.” 
― John Waters

“You have to remember that it is impossible to commit a crime while reading a book.” 
― John Waters

“I'm always amazed at friends who say they try to read at night in bed but always end up falling asleep. I have the opposite problem. If a book is good I can't go to sleep, and stay up way past my bedtime, hooked on the writing. Is anything better than waking up after a late-night read and diving right back into the plot before you even get out of bed to brush your teeth?” 
― John WatersRole Models

“It wasn't until I started reading and found books they wouldn't let us read in school that I discovered you could be insane and happy and have a good life without being like everybody else.” 
― John Waters

“Being rich is not about how much money you have or how many homes you own; it's the freedom to buy any book you want without looking at the price and wondering if you can afford it.” 
― John WatersRole Models

“To me, beauty is looks you can never forget. A face should jolt, not soothe.” 
― John WatersShock Value: A Tasteful Book About Bad Taste

“I always give books. And I always ask for books. I think you should reward people sexually for getting you books. Don’t send a thank-you note, repay them with sexual activity. If the book is rare or by your favorite author or one you didn't know about, reward them with the most perverted sex act you can think of. Otherwise, you can just make out.” 
― John Waters

“I’d like to praise the drivers who picked me up. If I ever hear another elitist jerk use the term flyover people, I’ll punch him in the mouth. My riders were brave and open-minded, and their down-to-earth kindness gave me new faith in how decent Americans can be. They are the only heroes in this book.” 
― John WatersCarsick: John Waters Hitchhikes Across America

“I’m alive, I think, and so many of my friends are not. I may be nuts to be doing this, but I’m kind of proud of myself. I am having an adventure. I like my life. Even if I have to stand here for the rest of it.” 
― John WatersCarsick: John Waters Hitchhikes Across America

“With humans it's abortion, but with chickens it's an omelet!” 
― John Waters

Misty Morning-Bob Marley

Brazilian Portuguese vocabulary: desserts and sweets

doce de leite- a sweet dessert made from boiled milk and sugar, resulting in a caramel- colored sweet creme. 

personal note: It looks a lot like flan.

doce de guiaba- a paste similar to a preserve made from the guava fruit, also called goiabada.

creme de abacate- a sweet paste made from sugar and avocado.

creme de cupuaçu- a milky pudding made from the sweet pulp of the cupuaçu fruit.

brigadeiro- a truffle-like candy made with chocolate and condensed milk, especially popular at children's birthday parties.

personal note: They look like items Godiva or See's Candies would sell. Plus, they're wonderful for any occasion!

canjica- a popular dessert made with grated sweet corn, coconut milk, condensed milk and peanuts; also known as munguzá.

pé de moleque- peanut brittle.

Brazilian Portuguese vocabulary: condiments and spices

aceite- olive oil 

canela- cinnamon

cravo- cloves

dendê- an orange-coloured strong oil from a palm tree of African origin, used chiefly in Bahian cuisine.

gengibre- ginger

molho de soja- soy sauce

molho de pimenta- hot sauce

pimenta de cheiro- chili pepper, used for hot sauce

pimenta do reino- black pepper

sal- salt 

vinagre- vinegar.

Brazilian Portuguese vocabulary: starches

aipim ( or mandioca doce) - the sweet, non-poisonous manioc root, known in the Northeast as macaxeira.

arroz- rice, usually white rice.

batata- potato, often served as batatas fritas ( French fries).

farinha de mandioca- grated manioc meal that is lightly toasted; it is usually sprinkled on beans or sauces.

arofa- coarse manioc meal roasted in oil or butter with garlic, bits of ham or meat.

feijão- general term for Brazil's many varieties of beans.

mandioca- manioc root, mostly served cooked; mandioca frita, fried manioc is a popular petisco (appetizer) at bars and restaurants.

pirão- a thick sauce made from fish broth and manioc meal, often served with fish.

Nereci~ Djavan

Friday, December 5, 2014

Brazilian Portuguese vocabulary: vegetables

abóbora- pumpkin, squash


alho- garlic 

banana pacova-plaintain

beringela- aubergine/eggplant




cenora- carrot

chuchu ( or xuxu)- a pear-shaped, light-green squash



jilô- a green vegetable shaped like a small fig

maxixe- a small, green, squash-like vegetable with soft spines

moranga- winter squash

palmito- palm hearts

pepino- cucumber

pimenta malagueta- small, red, hot pepper

pimentão-green pepper

pupunha- peach palm fruit


repôlho- cabbage

tomate- tomato

Monday, November 24, 2014

Brazilian Portuguese vocabulary on meat, poultry and fish

bife- beefsteak

camarão- shrimp

caranguejo- mud crab

carne de sol (also called carne seca, charque or xarque)- salted, sun-dried meat

carneiro- mutton


filé- steak

filé mignon- filet mignon

frios- general term for cold cuts

frango- chicken

galinha- hen, chicken

langosta- lobster


lombo-pork loin

pato- duck

peixe- fish

peru- turkey

picanha- beef steak from the rump

porco- pork

presunto- smoked ham

salsicha- small sausage, such as a hot dog

siri- sea crab

Two businesses I would like to share

I have become acquainted with two personal trainers in the past year. Here they are:

A classmate in my writing class named Steve Moyer owns a business that tends to personal training and meal planning. He serves the greater Los Angeles area. His websites are and Steve is a prime candidate for a personal trainer; he is fit and personable. On his website, he includes that he trained Zoe Saldana for Avatar and a host of other individuals. If you are willing to come to Los Angeles for training, try Steve.

My cousin Roni introduced me to Catrena Sanders, who is based in Charlotte, North Carolina. I worked with her for four months and lost 52 pounds. She placed me on a meal plan and pushed my limits on the treadmill and strength training. She just had a baby and her training will resume in January 2015. Her Facebook page, the Fitness Fiend, is the best way to become more familiar with her.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fun facts about Brasil

Here are details that some global travellers may want to know about Brasil. Brazil is the English spelling, Brasil is the Portuguese spelling, so I choose to honor that.( Some notable people from the regions are included in parentheses.)

Southeast- Sudeste
                        sudestino- a person from the Southeast.

Carioca~ a person who is from the city of Rio de Janeiro. 
(actress Regina Casé, actor Douglas Silva and actor Darlan Cunha)

Fluminense~ a person who is from the state of the Rio de Janeiro. ( actor Rodrigo Santoro)

niteroiense~a person who is a native of Niterói. Niterói is a city directly across the Guanabara Bay from Rio de Janeiro.

Paulista~ a person who is a native of the state of São Paulo. 
(actor Paulo Goulart and singer/ composer Adoniran Barbosa) 

Paulistano~ a person who is from the city of São Paulo. (actress Alice Braga and actor Matheus Nachtergaele)

Mineiro~ a person who is from the state of Minas Gerais. 
( singer Clara Nunes, singer/musician Milton Nascimento, and musician Celso Murilo)

Belo-horizontino~ a person who is from the city of Belo Horizonte. Belo Horizonte is the capital of Minas Gerais. (rapper Froid)

Espírito-santense~ a person who is from the state of Espírito Santo.

Vitoriense~ a person who is from the city of Vitória. Vitória is the capital of Espírito Santo. 

South- Sul

Paranaense~ a person who is from the state of Paraná. 
(actress Sonia Braga)

Curitibano~ a person who is from the city of Curitiba. Curitiba is the capital of Paraná. 

Curitibense~ another word for a person from Curitiba. 

Catarinense~ a person who is from Santa Catarina.

Florianopolitano~ a person who is from Florianópolis.

Rio-grandense-do-sul~ a person who is from Rio Grande do Sul. ( model Gisele Bündchen)

Gaúcho~ a person who is from Rio Grande do Sul.

Porto-alegrense~ a person who is from Porto Alegre. Porto Alegre is the capital of Rio Grande do Sul.


                                   nordestino- a person from the Northeast.

sertanejo~ a person who is from the Sertão. The sertão is a region in the Northeast that is often dry. 

baiano~ a person who is from the state of Bahia. 
( singer/ musician Caetano Veloso)

Salvadorense~ a person who is from the city of Salvador. Salvador is the capital of Bahia. ( singer/musician Gilberto Gil)

soteropolitano~ another word for a person who is from  Salvador.

Alagoano~ a person who is from the state of Alagoas. 
( singer Djavan) 

Maceioense~ a person who is from the city of Maceió. Maceió is the capital of Alagoas.

Cearense~a person who is from the state of Ceará. 

Fortalezense~ a person who is from the city of Fortaleza. Fortaleza is the capital of Ceará.

Maranhense~ a person is from the state of Maranhão.

São-luisense~ a person who is from the city of São Luís. São Luís is the capital of Maranhão.

Ludovicense~ another word for a person who is from the city of São Luís.

Paraibano~ a person who is from the state of Paraíba.

Pessoense~ a person who is from the city of João Pessoa. João Pessoa is the capital of Paraíba.

Pernambucano~ a person who is from state of Pernambuco. 
(producer/ writer Guel Arraes and singer Alceu Valença)

Recifense~ a person who is from Recife. Recife is the capital of Pernambuco.

Piauiense~ a person who is from state of Piauí.

Teresinense~ a person who is from Teresina. Teresina is the capital of Piauí.

Rio-grandense-do-norte~ a person who is from the state of Rio Grande do Norte.

Natalense~ a person who is from Natal. Natal is the capital of Rio Grande do Norte.

Sergipano~ a person who is from the state of Sergipe.

Aracajuense~ a person who is from Aracaju. Aracaju is the capital of Sergipe.


Acreano~ a person from the state of Acre.

Rio-branquense~ a person from Rio Branco. Rio Branco is the capital of Acre.

Amapaense~ a person from the state of Amapá.

Macapense~ a person from Macapá. Macapá is the capital of Amapá.

Amazonense~ a person from the state of Amazonas.

Manauense~ a person from the city of Manaus. Manaus is the capital of Amazonas.

Paraense~ a person from the state of Pará.

Belenense~ a person from Belém. Belém is the capital of Pará. ( singer Fafá de Belém)

Rondonense~ a person from the state of Rondônia.

Porto-velhense~ a person from Porto Velho. Porto Velho is the capital of Rondônia.

Roraimense~ a person from Roraima. 

Boa-vistense~ a person from Boa Vista. Boa Vista is the capital of Roraima.

Tocantinense~ a person from Tocantins.

Palmense~ a person from Palmas. Palmas is the capital of Tocantins.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

How to Keep a Peaceful Home

The world often discourages us and leaves us weary and exhausted. Have you ever wondered how to keep serenity in your abode? Here are five tips to restore your domain to a state of tranquility.

1. Meditate- Meditation slows the heart rate,clears our mind and staves away agitation. Begin this practice by simply committing five minutes a day of deep breathing with eyes closed in a secluded area of your home. It can help to say om while meditating or you can reflect on Bible verses. Either way, maintain only positive thoughts during this exercise.

2. Light candles- Lighting candles exemplifies the sacred and the sensual. Several spiritual traditions light candles to demonstrate gratitude or to keep remembrance of an event. Light candles around your bathroom during a soak or in the bathroom to ignite romance.

3. Keep the TV out of your bedroom- Keep the TV in public areas such as the living room or the den. Keep the TV out of your bedroom. Reserve the bedroom for conducive activities such as sleep,sex,reading or talking. You will experience more restorative sleep and greater calm.

4. Play soft music- Jazz, R&B or classical music stimulate benevolent energy. When aggressive forms of music are played, it can provoke vitriolic emotions. Don't allow venomous feelings invade your home. Shove them out with Sade, Miles Davis or Chopin.

5. Aromatherapy- This practice dates back to ancient Egypt. The knowledge gained in that era has been expanded for modern benefits.Lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint and a multitude of scents can be selected for your home. These scents can be utilized for a wide range of purposes such as enhancing concentration, improving memory or as an aphrodisiac.

These tips will enrich your home to the soothing nest you desire. Employ these habits regularly and you will witness a bounty of peace that will overwhelm you.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

In singleness and truth

  Marriage is a beautiful bond that can bring a bounty of joy and prosperity. Yet, I am content with my spinster status. 
(To me, spinster is an endearing term.) It is more significant to be satisfied with the life I have than to postpone my happiness to the days after matrimony. There are so many avenues to bliss, why are we so dependent on only one? I hope that in the 21st century, we as human beings, become accepting of the fact that elation comes in infinite forms. No one's life is automatically devalued because they journeyed single.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Why I am overweight

A decade ago, I realized that I eat when I'm bored. Now, I am giving the matter deeper introspection because I have started an exercise regimen. Also, because in the process of losing weight, there are psychological issues galore to examine. I bury my hurt with food. The disappointment of not achieving any major life goals, just getting older, haunts me. I am 28 and I have made up my mind that I am moving life towards health and clarity. For a brief period last year, I noticed that on the days I walked, my days were more active. That is something to keep in mind as I continue this journey.

p.s. I would like to add that I have lost 22 pounds in the last month due to healthy eating and exercise.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


This is such a charming word. I saw it today for my daily word

Quaintrelle- a woman who emphasizes a life of passion, expressed through personal style, leisurely pastimes, charm, and cultivation of life's pleasures.

This is an element most of us could cultivate more often.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I love these quotations. I hope they help you, too.

Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.Jamie Paolinetti

While seeking revenge, dig two graves one for yourself.Doug Horton

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.Robert Louis Stevenson

You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.Christopher Columbus

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.Melody Beattie

A woman's appetite is twice that of a man's; her sexual desire, four times; her intelligence, eight times.Sanskrit Proverb

Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring.Oscar Wilde

There's nothing more precious in this world than the feeling of being wanted.Diana Dors

Hold a true friend with both your hands.Nigerian Proverb

Monday, April 7, 2014

In the last two weeks

Several albums have arrived in the mail ( and more on the way): 

~Maiden Voyage by Herbie Hancock
~Lioness: Hidden Treasures by Amy Winehouse
~The Essential Guide to Brazil by various artists
~ Naked and True by Randy Crawford
~Pret-a-Porter by Preta Gil 

What a joy it is to have music.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Get Up With It

Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements. ~Napoleon Hill

When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.~Dale Carnegie

For women the best aphrodisiacs are words. The G-spot is in the ears. He who looks for it below there is wasting his time.
~ Isabel Allende

No man may make another free.~Zora Neale Hurston

Write what should not be forgotten. ~Isabel Allende

An artist must be free to choose what he does, certainly, but he must also never be afraid to do what he might choose.~Langston Hughes

Sunday, March 2, 2014

I am grateful that I saw this

This afternoon, I watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty with my mother. Absolutely brilliant. No spoilers except that I am keeping the lesson with me.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

Miles Davis - Red China Blues


   The concept of moving to another city or even another country has floated through my mind for a long duration. Particularly, for anyone who is reading this blog, has your life been lived in the same place you were born? Or have you made a change, miniscule or dramatic?