Alexis McGovern
Ralkina Jones
Sandra Bland
Joyce Curnell
Raynetta Turner
Kindra Chapman
Out of these women, I had heard about Sandra Bland and Kindra Chapman. It is clear to me that in my state of constant distraction, I neglected to be aware of these tragedies. I am not saying I'll join every protest. But I have realized is that I haven't cared enough about horrors that could happen to me or someone I love. I can tell you all about books. I can tell you all about food. I can tell you all about pleasantries and things found in dreams. When it comes to tribulations, I fall silent. Now I remove the veil.
Ralkina Jones
Sandra Bland
Joyce Curnell
Raynetta Turner
Kindra Chapman
Out of these women, I had heard about Sandra Bland and Kindra Chapman. It is clear to me that in my state of constant distraction, I neglected to be aware of these tragedies. I am not saying I'll join every protest. But I have realized is that I haven't cared enough about horrors that could happen to me or someone I love. I can tell you all about books. I can tell you all about food. I can tell you all about pleasantries and things found in dreams. When it comes to tribulations, I fall silent. Now I remove the veil.