Friday, December 19, 2014

Brazilian Portuguese vocabulary: desserts and sweets

doce de leite- a sweet dessert made from boiled milk and sugar, resulting in a caramel- colored sweet creme. 

personal note: It looks a lot like flan.

doce de guiaba- a paste similar to a preserve made from the guava fruit, also called goiabada.

creme de abacate- a sweet paste made from sugar and avocado.

creme de cupuaçu- a milky pudding made from the sweet pulp of the cupuaçu fruit.

brigadeiro- a truffle-like candy made with chocolate and condensed milk, especially popular at children's birthday parties.

personal note: They look like items Godiva or See's Candies would sell. Plus, they're wonderful for any occasion!

canjica- a popular dessert made with grated sweet corn, coconut milk, condensed milk and peanuts; also known as munguzá.

pé de moleque- peanut brittle.

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